Okay, so if you thought it looked bad when we left in the spring, it has only gotten worse! Ugh!
Here is our kitchen, with all the previous wall tiles, sink, etc. torn out.
And the bathroom - just a box now!
They've chipped out all the tiles in the bedroom closets in preparation for redoing the closets with the new tile.
And they're back to starting to do the inside walls and ceilings, so again, hand mixing the cement.
But then, the surprise! Notice the pole sticking out of the hole in the middle of the living room floor. This room is okay. It has support under the floor.
So, the living room is okay.
Both bedrooms, the kitchen, and the bathroom, not so much! Apparently, likely in the last hurricane, the water swirled underneath the entire house and dragged out all the sand, which was the support for the floor! Or it all sank.
So, what does that mean for us? We just about freaked when Juan told us that they would now have to chop out all the floors in the house, except the living room, use the debris underneath the new floor to form a base. So, they have to break the floor all up, and we get an entirely new base for our new tiles. Otherwise, the whole floor might cave in when we put furniture on it!!
So we were questioning how much this was going to cost extra, and imagining $1000's of dollars, likely $10,000 came to both our minds. But, thank God and Juan (our concrete guy), apparently it will take about an extra week, and will cost us about $7000 pesos! Both of us breathed easier - that's about $600 Canadian. How much would that have cost us at home? I don't even want to think about it!!!!
So already they have removed the entire floor in the kitchen, and the bathroom.
They first dig out the dirt that is there, put it in a pile, put the "escombro" - chopped up pieces of the old tile, into the floor, then level the sand over that.
This is currently the floor in our kitchen!!! Yikes!
And below, the bathroom! But, they're working on it!! You can see to the right in the picture below that they have opened up the wall between the spare bedroom and the bathroom where the laundry facility and linen closet will be.
It's been great to see some of the old team back at it. Juan Carlos got a major haircut - he used to be the really shaggy haired guy!
Here he's starting to put the first coat of concrete on the entire spare bedroom. They have taped and covered the windows to protect them from the mess! He is working, practically in the dark, with hardly any air flow! But he's still smiling!
And the new guy on the block (below)!
And my two favourites from the concrete team - Juan and Manuel below!
So, we're back at it in full force!