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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Progreso Spay and Neuter Clinic

January 10th & 11th, the Yucatan spay and neuter clinic started!

Some very important people - the kitchen people! Yeah!

Oh, and below, the two other important people, the two major organizers for the campaign,
Cindy and Karen!

Here is where my job is - after the clients have registered their animals, gotten them weighed and are waiting their turn. My job is to keep everyone organized and ready to go when their turn comes up. Having everyone in their right places, not keeping the vets waiting at all, allows us to maximize everyone's time.

After Day 1, 311 cats and dogs have been taken out of the reproducing game - yeah!!

Kim and Vic's job is to help the dogs going under anasthesia to make sure they don't aspirate, keeping them safe to be tubed and then off to their surgeries.

A muscles man. Transport - the guys that take the dogs from tubing to surgery, or surgery to recovery.

And at the end of Day 2, Vic and I are pooped (and filthy), as we head home for a shower!

And our puppies greet us with great joy!

Xochitl has taken great care of the girls for the days we were away 10 hours at a time, and as she says, there are no missing eyes or limbs, and the house is still standing!
Progreso clinic done - on to Valladolid next weekend!!

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