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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sunday November 24th 2013 Off to the 7AM race

Short Story....we are off to the 14K running race with a 5 K walk in Chelem.  Picked up our young friend Berto who needed a ride.  Well no good deed goes unpunished a flat tire occurs on the bridge over to Chelem.  So we drive slowly off the bridge and then pull over and park.  Deb waves at a car coming behind us and we have a ride to the race!  They were going too so 5 in the back seat, and Mario and vic in the front and we are off.  A picture of the family is below.  We walked the race with them and he is what seemed to be a 1st mate on a pleasure yaught owned by a very wealthy Mexican who travels tremendously through the year. Often 2 or 3 months at a time.

Deb decided she would slum and walk the 5 km with me as the 14km seemed a little daunting when the most she has run is 10 iK n the heat and humidity.  Really there is a hill on the course (the bridge) and we all know she doesn't do hills! LOL

Below is our friend Bertto (in white) finishing the 14K.  The 14 year old kid is very very fast.

And very tired!  But not too tired that he didn't want to stay with his friends instead of getting a ride home with us.

After the walk, we found a llantaro (tire guy) working at the race. So for 200 pesos at 9 am he drove us out to the car, put the spare on, took the tire and repaired it, and placed the tire back on the car.  Spare back in the trunk.  Nice shirts heh!

Who's the white guy doing nothing?  Darn good thing we had him to put the spare on for us as he had a bar to add on to the wheel lug wrench giving the bar alot of mechanical advantage as the bolts were locked on with rust. The little bar we all have in our trunks would not have worked. 
Back home by 10:30 to shower...another adventure in Mexico!

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